
A web app and an association to serve the Church
in parish and diocesan management.

See a demo !

Every month the asso­cia­tion orga­nizes seve­ral pre­sen­ta­tions of the app in visio.



Groups, activities & registrations

Customization and mana­ge­ment of groups, online regis­tra­tion, event and regu­lar acti­vi­ties mana­ge­ment with atten­dance tracking


Bookings & Calendar

Organise all your church events in one place !
Room and resource management



Sending emails or SMS to parents of bap­ti­zed chil­dren last year ?
In one click, it’s done !


Christian life

Management of wed­dings, bap­tisms, fune­ral or confir­ma­tion celebrations



Registration forms, a real chore ?
Generating docu­ments in Enoria is done in a few seconds !


Payments & Donations

Tracking dona­tions, or the evo­lu­tion of regu­lar giving ? Recording pay­ments rela­ted to the acti­vi­ty of a group ?
Easy !



Custom access to data with allo­ca­tion of rights accor­ding to res­pon­si­bi­li­ties in parish, revo­cable at any time !


Fews reasons to use Enoria

This web app is cus­tom-deve­lo­ped by a com­mu­ni­ty of priests and lay people inves­ted in parish to respond to the pro­blems encoun­te­red by parishes and dioceses.

Association Enoria

Since eve­ryone isn’t a com­pu­ter scien­tist, parishes those who wish may get clo­ser to us, non-pro­fit asso­cia­tion, which pools finan­cial and human resources to run the app for all users on a dai­ly basis and sup­ports deve­lop­ments done by volunteers.

One app available on all screens

Enoria is a res­pon­sive web appli­ca­tion, avai­lable on tablet, smart­phone or com­pu­ter from an inter­net browser.


An OpenSource project

The Enoria appli­ca­tion, deve­lo­ped with the Symfony fra­me­work, is dis­tri­bu­ted under OpenSource license. This means that any com­pu­ter scien­tist can modi­fy and improve it pro­vi­ded that he makes his modi­fi­ca­tions avai­lable to all.
The source code, under license AGPL v3, is avai­lable to com­pu­ter scien­tists on git­lab by contac­ting us.

What our member say about the app

Avant je devais envoyer à la main 60 SMS pour les temps forts du caté, et je n’é­tais jamais sûre d’a­voir la bonne info, main­te­nant que j’u­ti­lise Enoria, je le fais en quelques clics. Et je ne parle pas des trom­bi­no­scopes qui changent la vie des catéchistes

Responsable caté en paroisse

Depuis qu’il y a Enoria dans la paroisse, ma tâche admi­nis­tra­tive est réduite, j’ai plus de temps pour gérer les contact avec les Mairies, l’ac­cueil des situa­tions par­ti­cu­lières, et les agen­das de la paroisse. Par ailleurs nous y voyons enfin clair sur la dis­po­ni­bi­li­té des églises dans le sec­teur (nous en avons 32…)

Secrétaire parois­siale

La mise en place d’Enoria s’est faite assez faci­le­ment dans ma paroisse et me per­met d’y voir clair sur l’en­semble de mes paroissiens. 
P. Cédric


Press talk about us


Famille Chrétienne, a french maga­zine, echoed our appli­ca­tion in February 2021.
Several parishes now mem­bers have known us through this.

Enoria in numbers

new parishes join the association every month

daily users of the Enoria app

parishes affected by the projects of the association in nearly 70 dioceses in France, Spain and Belgium

french dioceses choose the app for their diocesan ministries and parishes